Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday TOUGH run and then GREAT Sunday run

Saturday I met for the regular Cruiser run and we had a very large group. Everyone was going different distances but several of us (Mark, Eugene, Robert, Lisa, Donna (new person), Vicky V, Me, Cindy and Gabby) were doing 10 - 13 miles so we took off on our regular 10.5 route (modified to take off some of Hwy 321). Robert had GMAPPED us a route to add on 3 miles on the back end. I could tell right away that the weather although cool in the parking lot was going to be hot and humid. I wouldn't say I had a bad run but it was definitely tougher than last week's Lila Loop VERY hilly run. The last couple of miles I felt pretty sucked dry of all energy. We still ended up with a 9:30 avg pace with no walk/stop breaks but I was DEPLETED! After the run several of us met up at The Diner for breakfast. The last few weeks we have met at Denali's and although The Diner has more food choices I prefer Denali's for the relaxed atmosphere and GREAT coffee and latte's. After breakfast I went home and decided to just stay in and do my usual Sunday chores on Saturday because I didn't feel like getting out. So off and on I would do my chores, watch a few DVR'd shows and even took a short nap (I NEVER nap!). By late afternoon I felt much better (After having my SUPER PROTEIN SHAKE!!) and made a nice dinner and then Tony and I watched Biggest Loser from earlier this week. Tony was really proud that he had lost 4 lbs. last week and then when watching Biggest Loser he said "WOW - I guess 4 lbs. isn't much". I told him that the people on this show workout 6 hours and day with a trainer and also have ALOT more to lose so him losing 4 lbs. to their 12 lbs. is doing GREAT. I also think the faster you lose the easier it is to put back on. This is the first time in 20 years of marriage that Tony has lost weight the way that I have wanted him to - by eating healthy and exercising. Years before he would do that crazy Low/No Carb diet and always gain the weight back.

Now on to Sunday. I met Lisa at her house at 8AM (YAHOO - slept in). I gmapped us a new 6 miler but at the time didn't think about how hilly it would be :) Sunday's are supposed to be VERY easy pace and as flat as possible. We had a GREAT run and were chatting and really enjoying ourselves not even paying attention to our pace. Heading back we both remarked "wow this is a pretty hilly route back". We were both thrilled to see at the end of our "easy hilly" run that our average for 6 miles was 8:47. I am sure I will pay for the pace and hill's later with my knee but we sure had a good time.

I am going now to lift weights (full body workout) and then hopefully get in a nice easy ride with Annette and some others.

I am trying out a new Spinach Fettuccine recipe tonight that I hope turns out good so I can have leftovers for work next week :)

Enjoy the great weather.


  1. That's the word I was looking for - Depleted - exactly how I felt on Saturday too.

    Nice pace both days, one of these days, maybe I'll be close :)

  2. I'm so glad to know it wasn't just me Saturday. I wanted to quit after two miles but still got 8. Keep Tony on that TM if thats what it takes. I still think he needs a road bike, he would love it!
